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      12-15-2023, 10:13 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by zx10guy View Post
You're correct that the scope is no big deal. I've had 5 scopes so far. I did 2 of them awake. Yes, I wasn't knocked out. I was actually staring at the same screen my doc was looking at staring at my insides. So I don't want to hear the wimps whining.
I was awake, on Valium, for my first colonoscopy and endoscopy as well (all the way back in 1986).
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      12-15-2023, 10:37 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by RickFLM4 View Post
Let’s see… a lot pushed to the end of this year:

First trip ever to a dermatologist right before Thanksgiving. He removed a few slices, but all negative.

Had 5 year colonoscopy on Monday, 12/4 (due to polyp in previous one). Nothing found this time. I do find the prep to be difficult because I always seem to get sick during it, but really not a choice to be made - gotta do it.

The following Monday, 12/11, I started the process of a dental implant (or bionic tooth as I have decided to call it). First step was removing the loose crown, digging out the remnants of roots left behind from a root canal 15+ years ago and bone graft. (Pics omitted) Getting the roots out was rough and involved my dentist apply heavy pressure to my lower jaw on and off for about an hour, from which I still have not fully recovered. Between headaches and nausea from either the jaw trauma, antibiotics or Tramadol, I missed about 3 days of work this week, but much better now and getting stitches removed Monday. Supposedly, everything that comes next should be easy compared to last Monday. We’ll see.

Annual eye exam today. I wear reading glasses, but still 20/20 at age 55 and told I have excellent eye health. (They diluted my pupils and I drove home with sunglasses.)

Next Monday I am also going to see a new podiatrist to see WTF is going in with my left foot. Diagnosed with plantar fasciitis back in the spring, which got better but then foot swelled up and I was referred to a vascular surgeon who ruled out anything vascular causing it. Back to podiatrist, who ordered an MRI, which showed a tear in the plantar fascia and bone marrow edema. Walking boot for 6 weeks, which ended a couple of months ago. It is much better pain and swelling-wise but not 100% so getting another set of eyes on it.

Finally, I end up with my primary care physical the day after Christmas.

All in all, I really can’t complain. Definitely accumulating some relatively minor aches and pains (and doctors) as I get older, but fortunately still nothing drastic. I am a picky eater and don’t eat particularly well, but much better than I did 10+ years ago and try to exercise (mostly walking, which has been impacted by the foot issue). I think the #1 things to do are go to get an annual physical, get screenings when required and take the Rx when you need it (BP for me). My doctor tells me I wouldn’t believe how many people don’t get an annual physical, including checking BP and blood tests, much less get a colonoscopy or other screenings on schedule.

(Also got latest COVID and flu shots and keep tetanus updated. Haven’t gotten shingles vaccine because I never had chicken pox as a kid and got the chicken pox vaccine as an adult.)
What prep did they have you do for your colonoscopy? I remember my CRC surgeon had me use a prescription only prep called Moviprep. The thing was nasty and I cold barely down the crap. Others have used one called Golytely. Whoever named it has some sick sense of humor.

My GI doc had me use a concoction I put together with Dulcolax, Miralax, and Gatorade. Much easier to take down.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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      12-15-2023, 10:39 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by RickFLM4 View Post
I was awake, on Valium, for my first colonoscopy and endoscopy as well (all the way back in 1986).
Damn, you're hardcore being awake for an endoscopy. I was knocked out for the endoscopy under strong advisement from my GI doc. I took his word for it.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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      12-15-2023, 11:11 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by zx10guy View Post
Damn, you're hardcore being awake for an endoscopy. I was knocked out for the endoscopy under strong advisement from my GI doc. I took his word for it.
I had an endoscopy a few years back. Was under as well.
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      12-16-2023, 06:22 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by zx10guy View Post
What prep did they have you do for your colonoscopy? I remember my CRC surgeon had me use a prescription only prep called Moviprep. The thing was nasty and I cold barely down the crap. Others have used one called Golytely. Whoever named it has some sick sense of humor.

My GI doc had me use a concoction I put together with Dulcolax, Miralax, and Gatorade. Much easier to take down.
The last time she prescribed SuperPrep and I got sick in between rounds 1 and 2. We tried again and the same thing happened. So she switched me over to the Ducolax/Miralax/Gatorade combo, which worked fine 5 years ago but got me sick this time around. I think it was the Lemon/Lime Gatorade.

Originally Posted by zx10guy View Post
Damn, you're hardcore being awake for an endoscopy. I was knocked out for the endoscopy under strong advisement from my GI doc. I took his word for it.
I landed in the hospital after losing 35 LBs in 10 days upon arrival at college. Couldn’t keep anything down including water. Not sure anesthesia was the standard procedure back then or not, but they didn’t give me a choice. (They found duodenal ulcer back then, which apparently has since healed, as has the signs of Barrett’s esophagus, which my current GI identified 5 years ago.).

I’ve been on Prilosec since it came out, which might be causing me other long term issues that haven’t hit me yet.
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      02-25-2024, 03:15 PM   #94
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I've used all three generations of the Freestyle Libre CGM (blood sugar monitor) over the years. applying the sensors to the back of my arms per the instructions. With all of them, I've noticed that sensors applied to my left arm seem to read 20-40 mg/dL higher than sensors applied to my right arm. Given my CHF, low EF, and low blood pressure, does this sound normal?

When I do lab bloodwork, the sensor on my left arm at the sample time seems to be in line with what the lab reports show (granted they use completely different testing methods).

The reason why I'm asking is because I've been jarred awake for the past few nights from OCD psycho dog pawings to the head because he hears the low glucose alerts. I'm pretty sure that they are false alarms, but don't want to disable them or lower the threshold any further in case it is actually low.....
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      03-19-2024, 04:51 PM   #95
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Got the Urolift System last May. No longer taking Tamsulosin nightly, and Finasteride daily for BPH Symptoms.

The procedure has resulted in a huge lifestyle change!
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      03-20-2024, 12:36 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by vreihen16 View Post
I'm pretty sure that they are false alarms, but don't want to disable them or lower the threshold any further in case it is actually low.....
Notice how when you first "install" a new CGM, there is a blood symbol displayed in the reading? They want you to do a finger prick before making any rash judgements during the iniital run in.

I/wife keep a tester, just for sanity check. She doesn't wear the CGM, but just does mornings to show her Dr.

The various drug stores all have their own generic test machines/strips. We just use whatever happens to have good batteries and test strips in the drawer.
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      03-20-2024, 07:11 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
Notice how when you first "install" a new CGM, there is a blood symbol displayed in the reading? They want you to do a finger prick before making any rash judgements during the iniital run in.
I just stuck on my fifth Freestyle Libre 3 sensor an hour ago, and all five have done that. Ditto for every generation back to the original Libre 10-day that had a much longer initial startup time.

I believe that the FDA had something to do with making them prompt for initial finger sticks whenever a new sensor is applied. The early ones took hours before they settled in, and they all probably need a little time for the sensor ribbon to settle in after the trauma of being inserted by a needle.

I have two old iHealth bluetooth finger stick testers, but all of the strips expired years ago. Because of my latest malady (essential tremors), there's no f-in-weigh that I could perform a successful finger stick these days without locking my hand in a vice to stop the shaking.....
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      03-21-2024, 03:12 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by vreihen16 View Post
Because of my latest malady (essential tremors), there's no f-in-weigh that I could perform a successful finger stick these days without locking my hand in a vice to stop the shaking.....
SNL/Julia Childs just popped into my head, sorry

I have romped on her and I giggled like a drunk infant the entire time. - Sedan_Clan
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      03-22-2024, 07:53 AM   #99
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Originally Posted by ShapeShifter View Post
Got the Urolift System last May. No longer taking Tamsulosin nightly, and Finasteride daily for BPH Symptoms.

The procedure has resulted in a huge lifestyle change!
I've been considering this. It's a bit of s sensitive topic, but can you share any more?
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      03-22-2024, 11:49 AM   #100
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A Less Graphic and Detailed Attempt

Originally Posted by Llarry View Post
I've been considering this. It's a bit of s sensitive topic, but can you share any more?
Asked my Urologist about Urolift a few years back. At that time he only performed the surgical procedure. I declined. During my annual visit last year he said he had been trained on performing the Urolift procedure. If I was still interested, I could be evaluated to see if I was a good candidate. Tests involved Ultrasound to measure prostate size, then getting a scopy of the urinary path, prostate and bladder. After positive results I was scheduled for the procedure.

Was sedated for the procedure. But afterwards kind of felt soreness, like when your foot slips off a bicycle pedal when pedaling hard. The catheter was a slight overnight inconvenience. Returned early morning for its removal. The individual used a little diversion tactic, she said; "look in the corner and tell me the color of the trash can".....I looked, she yanked!! Little red in the urine for a few days and minor soreness for short time. Overall, the benefits far outweigh discomfort and inconvenience.

I love that I can drink coffee again, that taking sinus and cold medications no longer make me do the quickstep after being seated for a while, then standing up....and not having to plan trips/stops based on access to restrooms is priceless!!

Hope this is somewhat helpful, and not too graphic for others.

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      04-27-2024, 08:31 AM   #101
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I had my semi-annual dermatologist visit two days ago and encountered something new. The bad news was that she took a *LOT* of biopsies but she had this cool new machine that incorporated cauterization plus a little vacuum that minimized the (awful) smell of burning flesh. Now I've got something like 8-10 little wounds on my face and back; nothing big enough to actually be painful. Anyway, I though the new machine with vacuum was pretty cool.
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      04-27-2024, 09:40 AM   #102
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Huhhh, he said vacuum
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      04-29-2024, 08:08 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by kscarrol View Post
Not according to my doctors... Maybe when my eyes get worse or if there are signs of another condition like yours.
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My optometrist doesn't dilate my eyes but my ophthalmologist does.
Finally having cataract surgery on Friday this week, the first eye followed by the second in a couple weeks. Been battling the typical cataract symptoms for a couple of years, but finally qualified for the surgery. Can't wait to get thru this and get back to some normal vision.

Read the previous posts about the eyes being dilated , my optometrist did not dilate my eyes. He did do the wild picture of my eye that looked like something outnof a science fiction movie. My ophthalmologist did dilate during my exam for cataract surgery.
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      04-29-2024, 08:24 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by SpeedBuggy View Post
Finally having cataract surgery on Friday this week, the first eye followed by the second in a couple weeks. Been battling the typical cataract symptoms for a couple of years, but finally qualified for the surgery. Can't wait to get thru this and get back to some normal vision.

Read the previous posts about the eyes being dilated , my optometrist did not dilate my eyes. He did do the wild picture of my eye that looked like something outnof a science fiction movie. My ophthalmologist did dilate during my exam for cataract surgery.
I had cataract surgery in both eyes several years ago. Was done by a very good doctor and went flawlessly. Then some time later (months) I had to have the YAG laser procedure done to each eye because my vision got fuzzy. This happens because a membrane in the eye called the posterior capsule gets cloudy. Cleared everything right up.
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      04-29-2024, 08:29 PM   #105
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Thanks for the response, hoping mine goes flawlessly. I will ask about this as it was something that I don't believe was discussed during my exam..

Will try to read up.on it also.

Thanks Again
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      04-29-2024, 08:34 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by SpeedBuggy View Post
Thanks for the response, I will ask about this as it was something that I don't believe was discussed during my exam..

Will try to read up.on it also.

Thanks Again
You're welcome.

Don't think everybody needs to get it done and it is just an office visit; nothing to worry about.
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      04-29-2024, 08:47 PM   #107
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^ Your surgery should go great. Doctors today are awesome at it. Should go better for you because I believe they have new lenses that they use today.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
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      04-29-2024, 08:51 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
You're welcome.

Don't think everybody needs to get it done and it is just an office visit; nothing to worry about.

As with any surgery, there are always risks or complications. Guess we'll just keep an eye out (lol) and cross that bridge if we get to it.

Looking forward to getting this done, especially can't wait to rock those special sunglasses 😎
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      04-30-2024, 08:16 AM   #109
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I was very anxious about my cataract surgeries some 4-5 years ago but they went really well. I've worn glasses my whole life and suddenly I had close to 20/20 vision. I attribute the lack of drama during the procedure largely to modern anesthesia. Cataract surgery FTW!
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      04-30-2024, 08:44 AM   #110
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I got pretty anxious when they taped my head down so I couldn't move during the procedure. Other than that, it was fine. I never did halucinogenic drugs, but I sure felt like I was tripping with all the kaleidoscope things going on when they did the laser.

Good luck.
I thought I was a good person but the way I react when people drive slowly in the left lane would suggest otherwise
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